
New Feature: Solar Mode

Connect OSO Charge to your solar panels

OSO Charge can be connected to your solar panels, enabling smart energy management via the inCharge app.

Smart water heater with a crystal-clear advantage

Finally, the exciting feature upgrade for the smart water heater is here – the Solar Function. By connecting the OSO Charge to the solar panel system in your home, you can now use the new feature in the OSO InCharge app to enable smart control of solar production linked to heating water in your household.

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You avoid having to buy back the electricity later and pay grid fees.

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Detects overproduction and can prevent disconnection of the solar panel system.

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Stores solar energy in the water heater, giving you free hot water.

OSO Supercharged S2S200 Temp areas ill

In short, OSO Charge has an internal measuring circuit that monitors voltage, current, and frequency. During overproduction of electricity, the voltage within the household will increase, and Charge will detect this. OSO Charge uses historical data and artificial intelligence to learn when you have overproduction and turns on the hot water tank accordingly.

In the app, overproduction is indicated by red bars, and you can see how much energy has been stored due to overproduction (high voltage).

Additionally, OSO Charge receives a forecast for solar production the next day based on the data you entered for your solar panel system. If little or no solar production is estimated, the unit will heat water based on price optimization against Nord Pool Spot. By connecting the smart water heater to the solar panel system, you achieve a smart dynamic between production and consumption (control), resulting in a lower electricity bill.

Opportunities with OSO Charge Solar Function:

  • Utilize self-produced energy to generate hot water and maximize the return on your solar panel investment.

  • Smart control that turns water heaters into thermal blue batteries. Store solar energy in water heaters and get free hot water.

  • Charge connects water heaters and stores energy when it detects overproduction from the solar panel system. Helps prevent disconnection of the solar panel system.

  • Make the most of self-produced energy when the solar panel system generates the most. By storing the energy yourself, you avoid having to buy it back later and pay grid fees.

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Solar Mode

Test Panel's Verdict

So far, the new functionality has only been available to a small test panel, and the feedback is clear: This is exciting!

With the help of feedback from the test panel, we have ensured that the Solar Mode works optimally. The Solar Mode is automatically added to the OSO InCharge app, so the user does not need to do anything to make this feature available in the app.

After installing the OSO InCharge app, the user can choose the level of interaction and control. Many adjustments can be made, such as increasing the risk profile, integrating the app into your own smart home API, and much more. However, you can also simply put your phone away and let everything run on its own. The system is set up with a standardized configuration that ensures OSO Charge automatically uses price optimization without the need for further modifications.

Note: The Solar Function is an additional subscription.

What is OSO Charge?

The smart water heater Saga Charge is an evolution of Norway’s most popular water heater, the SAGA series. Saga Charge comes with a smart control panel that uses historical consumption data and artificial intelligence to learn your household’s hot water needs and adjusts the heating accordingly. By using price optimization (against the national time of use tariffs), OSO Charge heats water when the price is low. This ensures you have enough hot water at the lowest possible cost. Smarter hot water, simply put.

With the OSO InCharge app, users can activate smart control, enable sleep mode, and monitor consumption data. With the Solar Function, users are also able to make custom adjustments in the app to utilize self-produced solar energy.

OSO Saga Supercharge

OSO Maxi Charge

It is also possible to make the Solar Function available on our industrial water heater, Maxi Charge. With industrial water heaters, the potential for savings is even greater!

Storage Capacity:

  • 300 liters = 21 kWh

  • 400 liters = 28 kWh

  • 600 liters = 42 kWh

  • 1000 liters = 70 kWh

OSO InCharge

The mobile app provides you with easy control and overview. In the app, you can activate smart control, check the hot water level, enable sleep mode, and monitor historical consumption data.

Avoid the most expensive hours by shifting the heating of hot water to other times of the day. This way, you can both save money and relieve the power grid. Saga Charge does this automatically when smart control is activated and are integrated with the national time of use tariffs.

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