
Europe’s leading manufacturer of stainless-steel cylinders

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OSO Hotwater is one of the largest manufacturers of world class electric and indirect stainless steel hot water cylinders. Manufactured in Norway since 1932, OSO cylinders have won countless awards for quality and sustainable production. We can offer a large selection of hot water cylinders adapted to renewable energy systems and electric domestic hot water cylinders. 


Throughout 60 years we have perfected the stainless steel heater. The combination of material choice, robotized production and intelligent solutions gives the OSO products unbeatable lifetime.

Energy efficiency

OSO heaters have the lowest heat loss on the market, and are designed to give maximum performance. This gives our products the lowest power consumption and a unique lifespan economy for our customers.


50 years of efforts and investments to unite people, environment and industry, and for this given several awards. In three generations our objective has been the same:

Protect Our Beautiful Planet!


OSO Hotwater Group Announces New Establishment in New Brunswick.

New Brunswick — OSO Hotwater Group, a leading supplier of smart stainless steel hotwater tanks ...
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