
Smart energy management with OSO

Saga Charge and Charge Retrofit represents leading technology for smart energy management for residental, building management and utilities.

The technology is plug and play, and helps you to heat up the water at the lowest costs.

Good reasons to choose our smart products:


Time of use   

Automatic price optimalization when the tariff is low.


Learns your usage patters

Machine learning (AI) and historic usage is used to optimize the energy use.


OSO InCharge + app

Full control of your energy usage and holiday mode available.

Tre temperaturfølere gir deg full kontroll

Saga Charge har hele tre temperaturfølere. Dette er unikt på markedet i dag. Sammen med den innovative programvaren er du derfor sikret ideell oppvarming av vann.
oso maxi charge mockup

Smart energy with the OSO inCharge+

The mobile app OSO InCharge ensures easy mangement and an overview of smart modes, available hot water volume and historical usage. You can also utilize holiday modes and connect to your solar roof panel system.

Avoid using the expensive tariff by moving the heating to the low tariffs during the day. In this manner, you will lower your costs and contribute to a sustainable use of the power grid.

Saga Charge does this automatically, and has integration with our time of use tariff in your province.